
Journal of Genetics and Genomics

期刊名称:Journal of Genetics and GenomicsCSCD核心(2019-2020)
  • 主办单位:中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所、中国遗传学会
  • 国内刊号:CN 11-5450/R
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1673-8527;EISSN1873-5533
  • 出刊周期:月刊
  • 级别:CSCD核心(2019-2020)|梯队期刊(2019)|科技核心(2019自然科学)|SCI期刊(2019)|SCIE期刊(2019)





Journal of Genetics and Genomics (JGG, formerly known as Acta Genetica Sinica ) is an international journal publishing peer-reviewed articles of novel and significant discoveries in the fields of genetics and genomics. Topics of particular interest include but are not limited to molecular genetics, developmental genetics, cytogenetics, epigenetics, medical genetics, population and evolutionary genetics, genomics and functional genomics as well as bioinformatics and computational biology.

The main article types include original research, review, method article, letter to the editor, resource, highlight, and meeting report. Currently, JGG is indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E), Medline, Scopus, Biosis Previews and Chemical Abstracts. JGG publishes papers in English only and is distributed internationally.


Before initiating the submission process, the authors should read these instructions carefully to ensure that the article is in compliance with JGG standards.

Authors should submit manuscripts online at . online submission will ensure rapid handling. A manuscript file in Microsoft Word is required and will be automatically converted to a PDF file.

Authorship Contribution to a manuscript must be substantive in order to justify authorship. An author is responsible for major aspects of the research that is presented. All other contributors should instead be acknowledged appropriately in the Acknowledgements section. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have made substantive contributions to the research and have seen and approved the manuscript in final form prior to submission.

Cover letter A cover letter must be submitted along with the manuscript, stating that the manuscript has been read and approved in final form by all authors. Authors should ensure that the manuscript has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. If authors wish to request exclusion of any reviewers, specific reasons must be provided. We recommend that authors also explain briefiy how their work meets the journal’s scope.


Manuscripts should follow JGG style, be written in concise and grammatically correct English. Papers that do not meet the standards below will be sent back to the authors without further review. Consult a current issue of JGG for guidance on format, organization, and preparation of figures, legends, tables, and references.

Original manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word and should be prepared with 1.5 line spacing and in 12 point type using Times New Roman font and Symbol font for Greek characters to avoid inadvertent character substitutions. The line number should be added consecutively throughout the manuscript. Please do not use Chinese font.


The original research article including method article should be organized in the following order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Results, Discussion, Materials and methods, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, and Figure legends. Figures and regular Supplementary data should be uploaded as separate files and not as part of the manuscript. These files will be converted, along with the manuscript, into a single PDF on upload.

Title page

Include the following information on this page:

• Title The full manuscript title should be succinct, informative and descriptive. The title should include detail for indexing and should be comprehensible for a broad scientific audience. Authors should avoid using nonstandard abbreviations in titles. The title must mention the subject organism (or general group in the case of comparative work). Latin names should be used for all organisms, while common names are allowed for the model systems (rice, maize and yeast).

• Author affiliation Include department, institution, and complete address for each author. If there are authors with different affiliations, use superscripts to match authors with different institutions.

• Corresponding author The name, complete address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided.

• Manuscript information The numbers of text pages (including references and figure legends), of figures, of tables, and of words in the paper should be provided.

• Word and character counts The number of words in the abstract and the total number of characters in the paper should be provided.

• Abbreviation footnote List abbreviations in alphabetical order used five or more times . Define these where first mentioned in the text and do not use them in the title.

Abstract and keywords

The abstract should stand on its own with no reference to the text. It should contain approximately 200 words and must summarize the questions being addressed, the approach taken, the major findings, and the significance of the results. It should be concise, complete, and clearly communicate the importance of the work for a broad audience. At least three key words (for the purposes of indexing) should be supplied following the abstract.


Authors should divide their manuscripts into the following sections: Introduction, Results, Discussion, and Materials and methods. Mark every section and every subsection with serial number, like 1., 2., 3., and then 1.1., 1.2., 1.3 and so on.

• Introduction The Introduction should provide the necessary background information for the average reader; it should be both complete and concise. Previous publications that form a basis for the work presented must be cited. Citation of reviews is not a substitute for citing primary research articles. Citation of recent research articles is not a substitute for citing original discoveries. An author’s own work should not be cited preferentially over equally relevant work of others.

• Results The Results should be organized using subheadings to make clear.

• Discussion The Discussion should focus on the interpretation rather than a repetition of the Results section.

• Materials and Methods Methods must be described completely enough so that other laboratories can replicate results and verify claims. Generally, standard procedures should be referenced, though significant variations should be described. Appropriate experimental design and statistical methods should be applied and described wherever necessary for proper interpretation of data and verification of claims. All novel materials and the procedures should be described in sufficient detail to allow their reproduction.


List dedications, acknowledgements and funding support.


Cite references in the text by name and date of publication, but not by number. Authors are expected to proofread every citation in their reference list against the PDF or photocopy of the cited work so that the reference list is accurate with respect to spellings, symbols, italics, and subscripts/superscripts. only published or in-press papers and books may be cited in the reference list. Citations for web sites (other than for primary literature) should be handled parenthetically in the text and not included in the reference list. Authors should test all URLs and links.

It is expected that all cited publications have been read and determined to be appropriate by the authors, not merely identified by database searches. Reference to specific results should be to original research articles, not to more recent articles or reviews.

A reference manager software, Endnote, Reference Manager or other similar software, is suggested to be used. Then spelling errors and fault information can be avoided. The reference format is the same as Developmental Biology.


Journal articles

Smale, S.T., 2001. Core promoters: active contributors to combinatorial gene regulation. Genes Dev. 15, 2503–2508.

Clough, S.J., Bent, A.F., 1998. Floral dip: a simplified method for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 16, 735–743.

Moore, I., Galweiler, L., Grosskopf, D., Schell, J., Klars, P., 1998. A transcription activation system for regulated gene expression in transgenic plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 376–381.


Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E.F., Maniatis, T., 1989. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Chapter in a book

Lohaus, G., Fischer, K., 2002. Intracellular and intercellular transport of nitrogen and carbon. In: Foyer, C., Noctor G. (Eds.), Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 239–263.


Prepare tables using Word’s table feature. Number tables consecutively as they are first mentioned in the text. Place tables after the references. Provide a concise title for each table, and label each column with an unambiguous heading. If footnotes are needed for clarity, designate them with lowercase letters in the order in which they are referenced in the table. Remember, each table must stand alone, i.e., contain all necessary information in the caption, and the table itself must be understood independently of the text. Do not repeat information that is given in the text, and do not make a table for data which can be given in the text in one or two sentences.


Number figures consecutively according to the order in which they are called out in the text. Figures should be unambiguous and as conceptual as possible and should provide enough information so that the reader can understand them without reference to the text. For those figures that contain more than one panel, designate the panels with capital letters (no parentheses and no periods following letters) in 10 pt and bold in the upper left-hand corner of each panel. Place panels as close together as possible and eliminate or reduce black or white backgrounds as much as possible.

• Figure legends Each figure should be provided by a short title. Figure legends should be concise and should not repeat information presented in the text. Figure panels that are designated with capital letters should have specific subtitles in the legend and should be described separately and completely. Do not describe methods in figure legends unless they are necessary to interpret the results conveyed by the figure. Define in the legend all symbols and abbreviations that are used in the figures.

• Figure resolution and size Resolution of most figures should be 600dpi at the actual size to print. For all-black line art, 1000 dpi is needed. Images must be final size, preferably 1 column width (80 mm). Figures wider than 1 column should be between 120 and 170 mm wide. Numbers, letters, and symbols should be in 8 pt using Times New Roman font. Composite figures must be preassembled.

• Figure format only TIFF and EPS are allowed for figures that will appear in the print journal. If you use Photoshop or other software, send .tif files at full size and delete the surrounding blank.

Supplementary data

Data that are integral to the manuscript but impractical to be included in the printed journal (for instance, large-scale data sets and videos) may be presented in JGG online. Data and information that are peripheral to the conclusions may be provided as supplementary data if these data would be valuable to specialist readers and are not necessary for other readers to understand the experimental support for important claims and conclusions.


The review article should be focused on topics of interest to broad readership. It should be organized in the following order: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Text with labeled topics and subtopics, Concluding remarks (Perspectives), Acknowledgements, References, Tables, and Figure legends. Figures should be separately uploaded and not enclosed in the text. The length is usually not less than 5000 words.


Letter to the Editor is a brief report on novel findings without sufficient depth to qualify as an original research article. There is no abstract, and only one composite figure and/or table reflecting the main results is included. The additional results and important materials and methods should be showed as Supplementary Data. The length of main text (excluding the references) is limited to less than 2000 words, and the total number of the references is limited to 20. The author's name(s) and affiliation(s) should be put at the end of the text.


All manuscripts will be evaluated firstly by the editorial office for conformity to the requirements of the scopes and the Instructions for Authors of this journal. The manuscripts that fail to meet the criteria will be sent back before peer-review. The handling editor will invite 2-3 reviewers reasonably if needed. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision based on the editor’s definitive recommendation for acceptance or rejection. Decisions will be made as rapidly as possible, and the journal strives to return reviewers’ comments to authors within 8 weeks whenever possible. If revision is requested, the editorial board will evaluate revised manuscripts and determine whether outside review is required. The revision should be submitted within 2 months unless an extension is granted; otherwise, it will be treated as a new submission.


The electronic proof will be sent to the corresponding author by Elsevier. The confirmed proofs are considered to be the final version of the manuscript. Authors will receive proofs approximately 10 days after final acceptance of the manuscript.

COPYRIGHt (Download Publishing Agreement)

The copyright of any paper accepted for publication in JGG is reserved by Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Genetics Society of China. All authors are required to complete a copyright transfer form after the acceptance of the manuscript. In signing the transfer of copyright, it is assumed that authors have obtained permission to use any copyrighted or previously published material. All authors must read and agree to the conditions outlined in the Copyright Assignment Form, and must sign the Form or agree that the corresponding author can sign on their behalf. More explanations about copyright information can be found in Elsevier website. Articles cannot be published until a signed Publishing Agreement has been received.
